There's no end to the love you can give
When you change your point of view underfoot
Very good: you may be flat but you're breathing
There's no doubt he's at home alone in his room
Probably watching porn of you from the fall
It’s last call and you’re the last one leaving
And you thought you could change the world
By opening your legs
It isn't very hard
Try kicking them instead
And you thought you could change his mind
By changing your perfurme to the kind his mother wore
O god delilah why?
I never met a more impossible girl...
In this same bar where you slammed down your hand
And said "Amanda, I'm in love"
No you're not
You're just a sucker for the ones who use you
And it doesn't matter what I say or do
The stupid bastard's gonna have his way with you...
You're an unrescuable schizo
Or else you're on the rag
'cause if you take him back
I'm gonna lose my nerve
I never met a more impossible girl...
At four oclock he got off and
You called up I'm down at denny's on route one
You won't guess what he's done
Is that a fact delilah
Larry tap let you sneak in the back
And use his calling card again
For a quick hand of gin
You are impossible, delilah: the princess of denial
And after 7 years in advertising you are none the wiser
You're an unrescuable schizo
Or else you're on the rag
Cos if you take him back
I'm gonna lose my nerve
He's gonna beat you like a pillow
You schizos never learn
And if you take him home
You'll get what you deserve
So don't cry delilah
You're still alive delilah
You need a ride delilah? let's see how fast this thing can go...
-Amanda Palmer.
linda...como você...e como a Amanda, também...srrsrs
Linda eu?! Certo, certo!
ResponderExcluir(...) e obrigada.
Mais uma vez
ResponderExcluirPara sempre até o fim do tempo
Para sempre achado
Ache o quê você pode, mas querida não sou cego
Perdido no truque como uma criança sozinha
Conte meus dias para o fim que é a minha casa
Mais uma vez
Para sempre até o fim do tempo
Mais uma vez
Eu me mato de novo
Mais uma vez
Eu sou escravo do maldito final
Perdido no truque como uma criança sozinha
Conte meus dias para o fim que é a minha casa
Mais uma vez
Para sempre até o fim do tempo
O fim do tempo está próximo, então, J. Campos? Crês realmente nisso? Ad gloriam!
ResponderExcluirMas, soh para constar que eu amo você. Eu disse muito, Junyor Campos? POis é: eu te amo muito, muito!